Goaremm a écrit :Congratulation :clin:nice bike !! How does it work ?
What about the torque, is it smooth or on / off caracter ?
Thanks a lot for your compliments

You should know I lowered the weight of this bike by using titan and aluminium bolts, titan axels and by boring holes into the some peaces of the frame. So it´s much lighter then an standard Aprilia. But the perfomance of this bike instead of an standard RX is very good, easy to handle espacially in small corners! I just have to change the oil in the fork its a litle bit to thin. The engine has got more torque on lower rpm´s than an mcs engine and if turn this over 8000 to 13 000 rpm´s there is a lot of power, so there is a mix of smooth control and explosion but I think easy to handle.
I hope I could help you! Later I will take some pictures of my airfilter box. I put an plastik plate on the front and bored an hole into it on an higher position that there is a streight wey from air filter to the carburator. As air filter I use an Twin air clamp on filter.