SWM 250 with Dellorto hard to start.


Modérateur : THIERRY

Squadriste Expert
Messages : 239
Enregistré le : 02 janv. 2010 13:12

Message par NSR »

Sunshine Coast
Squadriste Expert
Messages : 239
Enregistré le : 02 janv. 2010 13:12

Message par NSR »

I should say. He did not bring this bike with him from Australia. He bought it from England to ride and leave in Europe. It looked great in the photo's, as they all do :rolleyes:.

He now has the bike in Parc. With this being such a tough event I don't think he has much faith in he's SWM.
Sunshine Coast
Squadriste Gold
Messages : 4369
Enregistré le : 14 nov. 2009 17:57
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Message par gedeon34 »

Incroyable :quoi:

mauvais serrage ? arrachement ?

Incredible :quoi:

improper tightening? pulling out?

Incrível :quoi:

aperto errado? arrancando?
Squadriste Expert
Messages : 239
Enregistré le : 02 janv. 2010 13:12

Message par NSR »

Another update from GB:

Ok hopefully this will be the last bit of a drama, but in my final ride this afternoon (the morning was spent trying to get my front brake to 1/2 work😂) but the crank nut spun off and went through the side cover. Good part of it all though is that besides this the bike is basically ready 👏, so tomorrow morning I’ll fix it then fit some new tyres and we’re done. Definately glad it happened before and not during the event.
Re our Trophy teams they’re really going strong and I’m not sure what’s been reported back home but this is definitely a tough event. Jess is telling me some horror stories of the rocks and brutal trail and she’s as tough as nails as most of you know, so it’s certainly full on.Lots of others are showing signs of major fatigue so holding things together for 4 more days will be interesting. The rocks are the major issue apparently.
Hope everyone’s safe back in the fire zones. 😞



Modifié en dernier par NSR le 13 nov. 2019 13:24, modifié 1 fois.
Sunshine Coast
Squadriste Expert
Messages : 239
Enregistré le : 02 janv. 2010 13:12

Message par NSR »

It is Geoff Ballards bike. He has had some motor and now it now has another motor in it.

This is his post on FB:

" Hi all! Crazy few days here at ISDE! Our 6 Day team is really flying out there while us vintage guys get nervous about the usual things with an old bike like will it handle, stop or even start as we get ready for the last 3 Days of this event when we finally get to ride.
For me after days of trying to sort an engine drama where my bike ‘yes wouldn’t start’ I did an engine swap and am now back in business. Having a spare engine you could consider full factory or maybe just vintage paranoia, but in this case it was a blessing for sure. First 2km ride though the exhaust mount cracked and the countershaft nut fell off. So I guess you’re getting the picture. You just can’t take vintage racing too serious. Just cross your fingers and have a go.
It’s of course great fun though and why we still do it and love it!
On a completely different note we are over here in Europe and seeing such frighteningly sorrowing scenes at home with these fires. Thinking of you....Stay safe!!!
Ciao GB"


Sunshine Coast
kaiman 40
Squadriste Gold
Messages : 1799
Enregistré le : 17 janv. 2009 19:31

Message par kaiman 40 »

Quel est ton numéro de course? As tu vérifié que ton gicleur de ralenti n'était pas bouché?
Squadriste Expert
Messages : 239
Enregistré le : 02 janv. 2010 13:12

Message par NSR »

e viens de voir que tu ne sais, peut-être, pas ce que veut dire "froid" big_smile
That is right at the moment. We have fires everywhere :mick.

The bike is in Portugal :).
Sunshine Coast
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Squadriste Gold
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Message par Swoum_55 »

Je viens de voir que tu ne sais, peut-être, pas ce que veut dire "froid" :D

Vivement qu'elle roule !
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Squadriste Gold
Messages : 4043
Enregistré le : 21 mars 2009 15:02
Localisation : Lorraine

Message par Swoum_55 »

Tu trouveras les réglages de base dans la RTM:

Mais, je ne pense pas que ça a une influence sur le démarrage de la machine.
S'il fait froid, les SWM ont besoin de starter (chock) et il faut le maintenir un petit moment.

Voir le gicleur de starter (chock) et le niveau de cuve.

Penses à contrôler le réglage de l'allumage.
Vivement qu'elle roule !
Squadriste Expert
Messages : 239
Enregistré le : 02 janv. 2010 13:12

Message par NSR »

We have a TF3 that has a Dellorto on it. It is had to start. The Main jet is 150 and the Pilot jet is 55. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

What would be the standard settings for this?
Sunshine Coast